

In the Winter of 2014,

I started making hand-knit beanies for Blue in Green Soho

after naming them by the neighborhoods of downtown New York City.

Snow days in the city, hot cocoa from Ceci Cela, La Colombe, and the owner's coffee.

All remains a big part of my knitwear making.

Growing up in Tokyo,

I was surrounded and inspired by French culture, art,

European fashion houses, and shoe-sole manufacturing families.

I also grew up modeling.

My playground was our factory, where the workers worked with their hands.

I would visit my mother in a high skyscraper building in Shinjyuku

wearing my grandmother’s knitted accessories that made my skin itchy.

My father would often take us on car rides in the city.

The city of Tokyo was always filled with tremendous beauty.

The endless lights in the rain through his car windows taught me such beauty.

These layers of my childhood moments led me to New York City.

After working and traveling with a Japanese knitwear line, evam eva while,

I re-launched my knitwear line in Los Angeles reconsidering the core principle of my work

with the Serene Collection - a quality cashmere collection.

Most recently, I have released the Rosé Collection, which holds a place in my childhood memories.

In my design studio,

all my products are organically made through my hands, thoughts, and nature that surrounds me.

I find tremendous beauty in nature.

I wish my products find a home with you and blend into layers of your life moments.

Thank you for visiting my work.

Tomomi Egawa

New York, NY